Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Why do they have to lie always?Will it hurt them to speak the truth for once?What do they take us for?Do they think we are fools?

These are some of the questions I ask myself when I think of the lies and continuous lies being given to the masses by the presidency on the state of the first lady's health.If it is true she went abroad to 'rest',what stops her from 'resting' in our beloved country?why must money be wasted to take her abroad?why didn't she go and rest with those suffering in Bayelsa?

Except they are obviously telling lies because it has been speculated by some news outfits that she is receiving treatment from an hospital in Germany.They wouldn't say the truth because they are the reason our hospitals are in pitiable state.Because they know that they are the reason we have substandard equipments,properly trained doctors and extremely poor emergency system.

That mean,the ordinary citizens that elected them to power will die instantly if he/she cannot travel abroad if they suffer from the same disease?Things must change in this country.

Do you think the presidency is right to lie about the first lady's health?Because I think if they didn't want anyone to know about their health,they shouldn't have bothered going to aso rock.

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